Our lab welcomes applicants from ALL backgrounds!
We are always in the market for motivated and talented people. Even if we do not have an open position currently advertised, we are still interested in engaging with you in a conversation about your scientific background and goals for your future career (in academia, industry, or other ventures). We strive to provide excellent training across a wide range of computational and experimental techniques. If interested please send your CV/Resume to Dr. Mohamed Omar.
Currently we have open positions for people with the following skills:
Inquiries about Postdoctoral positions should be emailed directly to Dr. Mohamed Omar. We set our minimum postdoctoral fellow compensation to the NRSA Stipend Levels and encourage candidates to explore applying for extramural fellowships to support their research.
Interested foreign exchange students, interns, sabbatical visitors from academia and industry are encouraged to reach out directly to Dr. Mohamed Omar. We are open to other arrangements as well. As we expect people to be fairly compensated for their work by their home institution or by us, we do not have volunteer positions available.
We take undergraduate students exclusively through Cedars-Sinai affiliated programs, e.g. U-GROW. This program is a partnership with Cedars-Sinai and eight California State University (CSU) campuses across Southern California. The CSU system is the largest and one of the most diverse undergraduate programs in the United States—making it an ideal partner for fostering multicultural talent.